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How to create a chat application using PHP and HTML in just few steps

In this article I will try to explain in a simpler way the implementation part of our chat application (using PHP) that I had shown on the youtube channel.
You could download the whole project here   Download this project
Our application consists of 3 part :

  • Mysql database.
  • Backend part in php.
  • Client part in html, javascript and css.

    How to create a chat application using PHP and HTML in just few steps


    Step - 1 -

    Let's start with the database, let's assume that our database name is chat.

    We need to four tables
    • user
    • images
    • sendedMessage
    • session
    • See the structure of the tables in the following figure

      How to create a chat application using PHP and HTML in just few steps

      Let's assume that XAMPP has been installed, if not download it and see how to install it

      How to create a chat application using PHP and HTML in just few steps

      Open the browser and type https://localhost/dashboard/

      How to create a chat application using PHP and HTML in just few steps

      And then click on phpmyadmin, we will see our tables created in the database chat
      To create the tables you need to the following sql script


      User table

      CREATE TABLE `user` (
        `iduser` int(11) NOT NULL,
        `nickname` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
        `email` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
        `password` text NOT NULL,
        `idimage` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
        `state` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
        `insertdate` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() ON UPDATE current_timestamp(),
        `updatedate` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp()
      ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;
      ALTER TABLE `user` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`iduser`);


      Images table

      CREATE TABLE `images` (
        `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
        `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
        `content` blob NOT NULL,
        `type` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
        `size` int(11) NOT NULL
      ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;
      ALTER TABLE `images` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`);


      sendedmessage table

      CREATE TABLE `sendedmessage` (
        `idsender` int(11) NOT NULL,
        `idreceiver` int(11) NOT NULL,
        `message` varchar(500) NOT NULL,
        `message_read` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
        `sound` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
        `insertdate` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp()
      ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;


      session table

      CREATE TABLE `session` (
        `iduser` int(11) NOT NULL,
        `ip` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
        `insertdate` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() ON UPDATE current_timestamp()
      ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;


      Step - 2 -

      Now let's move on to the PHP Backend part

      In all the application files I used the class 'DBClass' declared in the file db.dzo.class.php
      class DBClass {
      private $conn;// The database connection variable
      public function __construct($con) { $this->conn =$con; } public function DBClass() { } // the methods which I will show later .... .... .... } ?>

      In this class I have grouped all the methods that I need like insertion into the database

      First to connect the user with nickname and password we need to the method ConnectUser

      function connectUser($nickname,$password){
      $this->conn->query("SET NAMES UTF8"); $this->conn->query('SET CHARACTER SET utf8'); $query = "select iduser,password from user where nickname='".$nickname."'"; $result = $this->conn->query ( $query ); $iduser=0; if ($result){ if (mysqli_num_rows ( $result ) > 0) { $row = @mysqli_fetch_row ( $result ); $iduser=$rowΎ];
      if (!password_verify($password, $rowΏ])) { return "Wrong password"; } else { $msgerr= $this->updSessionTable($iduser); if(!empty($msgerr)) { return $msgerr; } } } else { return "User not found !"; } } else {
      return mysqli_error(); }
      return "id".$iduser; } //get the user email from the user ID function GetUserFromId($iduser) // return the user email { $email=""; $query = 'select email from user where iduser='.$iduser; $result = $this->conn->query ( $query ); if ($result){ if (mysqli_num_rows ( $result ) > 0){
      $row = @mysqli_fetch_row ( $result ); $email=$rowΎ]; } } return $email; } //delete the user session from the database function DeleteSessionTable($email)// When the user logout , we delete his session from the database {
      $query = "delete from session where iduser in "; $query.= "(select iduser from user where email='".$email."')"; $result = $this->conn->query ( $query ); if (! $result) { return mysqli_error (); }

      return ""; } //create a user session function UpdSessionTable($iduser) { $query = "";
      $email=$this->GetUserFromId($iduser); $msgerr=$this->DeleteSessionTable($email); if(!empty($msgerr)) return $msgerr;
      $query = "INSERT INTO session (`iduser`,`ip`,`insertdate`) VALUES ($iduser,'".$this->getIp()."',now())";
      $result = $this->conn->query ( $query );
      if (! $result) { return mysqli_error (); } $_SESSION[$email]=$email; // Update the user state (online state) when connected. $this->UpdUserState($iduser,1); return ""; }

      To add the avatar, we need to this method AddAvatar to add the image in the database
      function AddAvatar($fileName, $fileSize, $fileType, $content) { $query = "INSERT INTO images (name, size, type, content) "; $query.= "VALUES ('$fileName', '$fileSize', '$fileType', '$content')"; $retval = $this->conn->query ( $query ); if (! $retval) { return mysqli_error (); } return ''; }

      Instead the following method remove the avatar from the database

      function RemoveAvatar($id) { if ($id) { if($id==0) return; // don't remove the defualt picture $query = "DELETE FROM images WHERE id = $id"; $result = $this->conn->query ( $query ); if (! $result) { return mysqli_error (); } return "The avatar is deleted "; } return "Unexpected error"; }

      To view the avatar, use this function which returns the html code to the client
      The css class photoprofileonline,photoprofileaway are defined in the css file,
      the first allows you to show the user state online and the second show the user state away
      from the keyboard.
      function ShowAvatar($id,$state,$count) { $html = ''; if($id==null) //When id is null the default avatar is shown. { $id=0; } $query = "SELECT * FROM images where id =" . $id; $result = $this->conn->query ( $query ); $class_state="photoprofileoffline"; $row = null; while ( $row = @mysqli_fetch_array ( $result ) ) { $img = $row ['content']; $type = $row ['type']; if($state==1) { $class_state="photoprofileonline"; } else{ if($state==0) { $class_state="photoprofileaway"; } } if($count==0) { $count=""; } $html ='<img class="'.$class_state.'" id="Photo" src="data:' . $type . ';base64,' $html.='base64_encode( $img ).'" style="widtht:100px; height:100px" ><div class="centered">'; $html.='<b><font size="5" color="red">'.$count.'</font></b></div>'; } return $html; }

      The method ShowProfile with the two parameters allows you to view the entire profile
      The first parameter is the image ID, the second is the user ID.
      This method returns the html code to the client

      function ShowProfile($id,$iduser) { $html = ""; if($id==null || empty($iduser)) //We take the default avatar { $id=0; } $query = "SELECT * FROM images where id =" . $id; $result = $this->conn->query ( $query ); $class_state="photoprofileoffline"; $row = null; while ( $row = @mysqli_fetch_array ( $result ) ) {
      $img = $row ['content']; $type = $row ['type']; if(empty($iduser)) { $html= '<br/><table style="width:100%;height:150px;" ><tr><'; $html.='td align="center">'; $html.= '<img class="photoprofileoffline" id="PhotoUser" src="data:' . $type; $html.=';base64,' . base64_encode ( $img ) . '" style="width:140px; height:140px" >'; $html.= '</td></tr></table>'; }else { $html = '<br/><table style="width:100%;height:150px;" '; $html.='cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px">'; $html.='<tr><td align="center">'; $html.= '<div id="profileonline"><img class="'.$class_state.'"'; $html.='id="PhotoExit" src="data:' . $type; $html.=';base64,' . base64_encode ( $img ) . '" style="width:100px; height:100px" ></div>'; $html.='</td></tr>'; $html.='<tr><td style="text-align:center;height:10px;" class="titleProfile widthbtnprof"><br/>'; $html.='ucfirst($this->GetNickNameFromId($iduser)).'</td></tr>'; $html.='<tr><td>'; $html.=' '; $html.='</td></tr>'; $html.='<tr><td>'; $html.='<button id="btnupdprofile" onclick='; $html.='"update_user(' .$iduser.'); return false;">'; $html.=' Profile</button>'; $html.='</td></tr>'; $html.='<tr><td>'; $html.='<button id="btnlogout" onclick="exitChat();return false;'; $html.='"> Logout</button>'; $html.='</table>';
      } $html .= '<input type="hidden" id="idimage" value="'.$id.'">'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" id="sender" value="'.$iduser.'">'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" id="reciever" value="">'; }
      return $html; }

      To get or change the user state we need to these methods

      function getState($iduser) 
      	$query = "select state  from user where iduser=".$iduser;
      	$result = $this->conn->query ( $query );
      	$row = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
      	return $rowΎ];
      function updUserState($iduser,$state) { $query = "update user set state=".$state." where iduser=".$iduser; $result = $this->conn->query ( $query ); }

      To add a new user or to update an existant user we need to these methods:
      The first method shows the dialog box at the client level that allows the user to input his data,
      instead the second, add the user data in the database.
      function ShowUserDialog($id,$password) { $this->conn->query("SET NAMES UTF8"); $this->conn->query('SET CHARACTER SET utf8'); $found=0; $query = "select nickname, email,idimage from user where iduser =" . $id; $result = $this->conn->query ( $query ); $row = null; for($i=0;$i<10;$i++) { $row[$i] = ""; } if ($result) { if (mysqli_num_rows ( $result ) > 0) { $row = @mysqli_fetch_row ( $result ); } } $html = '<table style="width:100%;border-spacing:2px;padding:2px;">'; $html .= '<tr><td width="60%"><td align="right">'; $html .= '<img src="image/close16.jpg" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="closedlguser();" />'; $html .= '</td></tr>'; $html .= '<tr><td width="50%">'; $html .= '<table style="width:100%;border-spacing:2px;padding:2px;"><tr>'; $html .= '<td class="tdlabel" >Email<font color="red"> *</font></td><td >'; $html .= '<input type="text" size="30" id="email" maxlength="50" value="'.$row Ώ].'"></td></tr>'; $html .= '<td class="tdlabel">Nickname<font color="red"> *</font></td><td >'; $html .= '<input type="text" size="30" id="nickname" maxlength="30" value="'.$rowΎ].'"></td></tr>'; $html .= '<td class="tdlabel">Password<font color="red"> *</font></td><td>'; $html .= '<input type="password" size="10" id="password" maxlength="10" value="'.$password.'"></td></tr>'; $html .= '</table>'; $html .= '</td><td style="width:50%;vertical-align:top;"> '; $html .= '<form method="post" id="formimage" name="formimage" enctype="multipart/form-data">'; $html .= '<table style="width:100%;border-spacing:1px;padding:1px;" class="box">'; $html .= '<tr>'; $html .= '<td>'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="paramimage">'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="2000000">'; $html .= '<input type="file" id="userfileUser" style="display: none" '; $html .= 'onChange="HandlechangeUser();"/>'; $html .= '</td>'; $html .= '</tr>'; $html .= '<tr>'; $html .= '<td style="text-align:center;">'; $html .= '<a class="action-button" onclick="HandleBrowseClickUser();">Avatar</a>'; $html .= '</td>'; $html .= '<td style="text-align:center;">'; $html .= '<a class="action-button" onclick="transfererImage(' . $id . ');">Load</a>'; $html .= '</td>'; $html .= '<td style="text-align:center;">'; $html .= '<a class="action-button" onclick="elimphotoprofile(' . $id . ');">Delete</a></td>'; $html .= '</tr>'; $html .= '</table>'; $html .= '<table style="width:100%;border-spacing:5px;padding:5px;">'; $html .= '<tr>'; $html .= '<td style="text-align:center;">'; $html .= '<input type="text" id="filenameUser" readonly="true" style="display: none"/>'; $html .= '<div id="divimaprofile">'; $html .= $this->ShowAvatar($row ΐ],0,""); $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</form>'; $html .= '</td></tr></table><br/>'; $html .= '<table style="width:100%;"><tr><td style="text-align:right;"><div id="err"></div>'; $html .= '</td></tr>'; $html .= '<tr><td style="text-align:right;"><button id="saveuserid" class="action-button" '; $html .= 'onclick="saveuser(' . $id .'); return false;">Save</button>'; $html .= '</td></tr></table>'; echo $html; }
      function AddUser($iduser,$nickname, $email,$password, $idimage) { $this->conn->query("SET NAMES UTF8"); $this->conn->query('SET CHARACTER SET utf8'); $query = ""; $hash=password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $nickname=str_replace("'","''",$nickname);
      if ($iduser == 0) { $query = "INSERT INTO user ( `nickname`, `email`, `password`, `idimage`, `state`, `insertdate`) VALUES ('$nickname','$email','$hash',$idimage,1,now())"; } else { $query = "UPDATE user SET nickname='$nickname',password='$hash', idimage=$idimage, updatedate=now() where email='$email'"; }
      $result = $this->conn->query ( $query ); if (!$result) { return mysqli_error (); }
      return ""; } ?>

      To send message from user to other, we need to the method sendmessage
      We need also to the method RefreshMessage that allows to display the message at the client level
      function SendMessage($iduser_from,$iduser_to,$message) { $query = "INSERT INTO `messages` (message,iduser_from,iduser_to,inserdate,state) VALUES "; $query.=('$message',$iduser_from,$iduser_to, now(),0)";
      $result = $this->conn->query ( $query ); if (! $retval) { return mysqli_error (); } return $message; }
      function RefreshMessage($from,$to) { $html= '<table border="0" width="100%" height="90%">'; $sql="SELECT idsender,idreceiver ,message FROM sendedmessage where (idsender=$from and idreceiver=$to)"; $sql="or (idsender=$to and idreceiver=$from) order by insertdate asc"; $result = $this->conn->query ( $sql ); if ($result) { while($row = @mysqli_fetch_row ( $result )) { if($rowΎ]==$to) { $html .= '<tr><td style="text-align:right;" ><div class="containerChatFrom">'.$rowΐ].'</td></tr>'; } else { $html .= '<tr><td style="text-align:left;"><div class="containerChatTo">'.$rowΐ].'</td></tr>'; } } } $html .= '</table>';
      return $html; }

      To view all the registered users, we need to the following method:
      You can notice that we also manage the beep at every new arrived message
      the value of the variable 'sound' is 1 when the message is sended, if the reciever open the message
      sound is set to 0.
      We will see how play the sound at the client level with Javascript
      function ShowUsers($iduser) { $html = '<table border="0" width="80%" height="100%" cellspacing="2px" cellpadding="2px">'; $html.= '<tr><td><div style ="overflow:auto;">'; $query = "select idimage,iduser,nickname,state from user where iduser<>".$iduser; $result = $this->conn->query ( $query ); $i=1; $sound =0; $sql="select count(*) as sdcount from sendedmessage where idreceiver=$iduser and sound=1"; if($retval= $this->conn->query ( $sql )) { if($rowCountSound = @mysqli_fetch_array ( $retval )) { $sound=$rowCountSoundΎ]; } } while ( $row = @mysqli_fetch_array ( $result ) ) { $sql="select count(message) as mscount from sendedmessage where idsender=$rowΏ]"; $sql.="and idreceiver=$iduser and message_read=1"; $messageNotReadYet=""; if($retval= $this->conn->query ( $sql )) { if($rowCountMess = @mysqli_fetch_array ( $retval )) { $messageNotReadYet=$rowCountMessΎ]; } }
      $html .='<table style="width:100%;"><tr><td style="width:20%;text-align:center;cursor:pointer;">'; $html .='<div id="divimaprofile'.$i.'" class="containerCount" '; $html .= 'onclick="StartChat('.$iduser.','.$rowΏ].'); return false;"'; $html .= 'onmouseover="OverUser(\''.$rowΐ].'\','.$i.'); return false;" '; $html .= 'onmouseleave="LeaveUser(\''.$rowΐ].'\','.$i.');'; $html .= 'return false;">'; $html .= $this->ShowAvatar($row Ύ],$rowΐ],$messageNotReadYet); $html .= '</div></td></tr><tr><td style="text-align:center;" colspan="2"><div id="selectedUser'.$i.'"><span><b>' $html .= $rowΐ].'</b></span></div></td></tr></table>'; $i++; } if($sound>0) { $sound=1; } $html .= '<input type="hidden" id="sound_mess" value="'.$sound.'"/>'; $html .= '</div></td></tr>'; $html .= '</table>'; return $html; } ?>

      To stop the sound we need to the following method
      function StopSound($iduser) { $sql="update sendedmessage set sound=0 where idreceiver=$iduser"; $this->conn->query( $sql ); } ?>

      We need also to the following php files where we call all the methods defined in our class DBClass


      1- chatUser.php


      	require "db.dzo.class.php";
      	$con=mysqli_init();// Initialize the MySQL database connection 
      	if (!$con)
      		die("mysqli_init failed");
      	if(!mysqli_real_connect($con,"","root","","chat"))	// Connect to the database chat
      		die("Connect Error: " . mysqli_connect_error());
      $dbconnect = new DBClass($con);// get the instance of DBClass $to = $_REQUEST['to']; // read the parameter 'to' from the request where to is the user ID $from= $_REQUEST['from']; // read the parameter 'from' from the request where from is the user ID $html=$dbconnect->RefreshChat($from,$to,"");// call the RefreshChat method echo $html; // Write the html code returned by the method ?>


      2- sendMessage.php

      	require "db.dzo.class.php";
      	if (!$con)
      		die("mysqli_init failed");
      		die("Connect Error: " . mysqli_connect_error());
      	$dbconnect = new DBClass($con);
      	$from = $_REQUEST['from'];
      	$to= $_REQUEST['to'];
      	$message= $_REQUEST['message'];
      	$query="INSERT INTO `sendedmessage`(`idsender`, `idreceiver`, `message`) VALUES ($from,$to,'$message')";
      	$con->query ( $query );
      	echo $html;			


      3- refreshChat.php


      <?php require "db.dzo.class.php"; $con=mysqli_init(); if (!$con) { die("mysqli_init failed"); } if(!mysqli_real_connect($con,"","root","","chat")) { die("Connect Error: " . mysqli_connect_error()); }
      $dbconnect = new DBClass($con); $from= $_REQUEST['from']; $to = $_REQUEST['to']; $inputText = $_REQUEST['inputText']; $html=$dbconnect->RefreshChat($from,$to,$inputText); echo $html; ?>


      4- stopSound.php

      	require "db.dzo.class.php";
      	if (!$con)
      	die("mysqli_init failed");
      	die("Connect Error: " . mysqli_connect_error());
      $dbconnect = new DBClass($con); $iduser = $_REQUEST['iduser']; echo $dbconnect->StopSound($iduser); ?>


      5- updUser.php

      	require "db.dzo.class.php";
      	if (!$con)
      	die("mysqli_init failed");
      	die("Connect Error: " . mysqli_connect_error());
      	$dbconnect = new DBClass($con);
      	$nickname = $_REQUEST['nickname'];
      	$email = $_REQUEST['email'];
      	$password = $_REQUEST['password'];
      	$idimage = $_REQUEST['idimage'];
      	$iduser = $_REQUEST['iduser'];
      if(empty($msgerr)) { $msgerr=$dbconnect->AddUser($iduser,$nickname, $email,$password, $idimage); } } else { echo $msgerr; } if(!empty($msgerr)) { echo $msgerr;
      } else { echo 'OK'; } ?>


      6- addAvatar.php

      	require "db.dzo.class.php";
      	if (!$con)
      	die("mysqli_init failed");
      	die("Connect Error: " . mysqli_connect_error());
      	$dbconnect = new DBClass($con);
      	$html ="";
      	$fileName = "";
      	$tmpName  = "";
      	$fileSize = "";
      	$fileType = "";
      	$fileName = $_FILES['userfile']['name'];
      	$tmpName  = $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'];
      	$fileSize = $_FILES['userfile']['size'];
      	$fileType = $_FILES['userfile']['type'];
      			$fileName = $_FILES['userfileUser']['name'];
      			$tmpName  = $_FILES['userfileUser']['tmp_name'];
      			$fileSize = $_FILES['userfileUser']['size'];
      			$fileType = $_FILES['userfileUser']['type'];
      	$msgerr= "No Image";
      	elseif ($fileSize>0)
      			 $msgerr= "File !!";
      			$fp      = fopen($tmpName, 'r');
      			$content = fread($fp, filesize($tmpName));
      			$content = addslashes($content);
      			$fileName = addslashes($fileName);
      				$query = "select * from images order by id desc limit 1";
      				$result = $con->query( $query );
      				$row=@mysqli_fetch_array ( $result );
      				$img = $row ['content'];
      				$type = $row ['type'];
      				$html ='<img class="'.$classon.'" id="Photo" src="data:' . $type . ';base64,' . base64_encode ( $img ) . ';
      				$html.=" style="width:100px; height:100px" >';
      				$html .='<input type="hidden" id="vidimage" value="'.$rowΎ].'"/>';
      			 $html = $msgerr;
      		echo $html;
      } ?>


      7- getUser.php


      	require "db.dzo.class.php";
      	if (!$con)
      		die("mysqli_init failed");
      		die("Connect Error: " . mysqli_connect_error());
      	$dbconnect = new DBClass($con);
      	$idUser = $_REQUEST['iduser'];
      	if(isset($_COOKIE["password"]) && !empty($_COOKIE["password"]))
      	$dbconnect->ShowUserDialog($idUser, $password);


      8- updStateUser.php

      	require "db.dzo.class.php";
      	if (!$con)
      		die("mysqli_init failed");
      		die("Connect Error: " . mysqli_connect_error());
      	$dbconnect = new DBClass($con);
      	$iduser	   = $_REQUEST['iduser'];
      	$state     = $_REQUEST['state'];
      	$idimage   = $_REQUEST['idimage'];
      if($dbconnect->getState($iduser)!=3) { $dbconnect->updUserState($iduser,$state); } $query="select state from user where iduser=$iduser"; $result = $con->query ( $query ); if ($result) { $row = @mysqli_fetch_row ( $result ); } $html = ""; if($idimage==null || empty($iduser)) $idimage=0; $query = "SELECT * FROM images where id =" . $idimage; $result = $con->query ( $query ); $class_state="photoprofileoffline"; if($state==1) { $class_state="photoprofileonline";
      }else { if($state==0) { $class_state="photoprofileaway"; } } if ( $row = @mysqli_fetch_array ( $result ) ) { $img = $row ['content']; $type = $row ['type']; $html ='<img class="'.$class_state.'" id="Photo" src="data:' . $type . ';base64,' . base64_encode ( $img )'; $html.='" style="width:100px; height:100px" >';
      } echo $html; ?>


      9- refreshUsers.php

      	require "db.dzo.class.php";
      	if (!$con)
      		die("mysqli_init failed");
      	die("Connect Error: " . mysqli_connect_error());
      	$dbconnect = new DBClass($con);
      	$from= $_REQUEST['from'];
      	echo $html;


      10- connectTosite.php

      	require "db.dzo.class.php";
      	if (!$con)
      	die("mysqli_init failed");
      	die("Connect Error: " . mysqli_connect_error());
      	$dbconnect = new DBClass($con);
      	$nickname = $_REQUEST['nickname'];
      	$password = $_REQUEST['password'];
      	if(!empty($msgerr) && substr($msgerr,0,2)!="id")
      		echo $msgerr;
      		setcookie('iduser', $iduser, time()+3600*24);
      		setcookie('password', $password ,time()+3600*24);
      		echo "CONNECTED";


      11- logout.php

      	require "db.dzo.class.php";
      	if (!$con)
      	die("mysqli_init failed");
      	die("Connect Error: " . mysqli_connect_error());
      	$dbconnect = new DBClass($con);
      if(isset($_COOKIE["iduser"])) $iduser=$_COOKIE["iduser"]; else { $iduser= $dbconnect->CheckUserLogged(); } $dbconnect->updUserState($iduser,3); $email = $dbconnect->getUserFromId($iduser); $dbconnect->deleteSessiontable($email); setcookie("iduser", "", time()-3600); ?>

      Now let's move on to the client part
      I used AJAX which is a developer's dream, because you can:
      .Read data from a web server - after the page has loaded
      .Update a web page without reloading the page
      .Send data to a web server - in the background

      How to create a chat application using PHP and HTML in just few steps


      The javascript file chat.js


      The most important function is sendData, has as parameters
      data : of FormData type
      action : the php file which contains the action
      header : 1 to set the header Content-Type
      divinnerHtml: the html code returned after the execution of the action (php file)


      This javascript code allows us to send a message from sender to reciever, the data to send are:
      the user ID of the sender, the user ID of the reciever and the message
      the action is sendMessage.php that we have seen before, and the result (divinnerHtml) will be returned in the div
      having the id 'users'.
      function sendMessageTo()
      	var from=document.getElementById("sender").value;
      	var to=document.getElementById("reciever").value;
      		var data = new FormData();  
      		data.append("from", from);
      		data.append("to", to);
      		data.append("message", document.getElementById("message").value);

      function sendData(data,action,header,divinnerHtml) {
      var location = window.location; var xhr;
      if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari, ... xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE 8 and older xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } if (xhr) {"POST", action, true);
      if(header==1) { xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;text/html; charset=utf-8"); }
      xhr.send(data); xhr.onreadystatechange = display_data; } else { alert('Sorry, your browser does not support this.;'); }
      function display_data() { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) {
      endProgress(); if(divinnerHtml=="head"){ document.getElementById(divinnerHtml).innerHTML = document.getElementById(divinnerHtml).innerHTML+ xhr.responseText; return; } else { if(divinnerHtml=="disconnect") { window.location = "http://localhost/CHAT/"; } else { if(divinnerHtml!="sound") { document.getElementById(divinnerHtml).innerHTML = xhr.responseText; } } } if(action=="updUser.php") {
      var t=xhr.responseText.trim(); var j='OK'; if(t==j) { goToHome(); } else { document.getElementById(divinnerHtml).style.display="block"; } } else { if (divinnerHtml=="dlguser") // to create new user or update user data { document.getElementById(divinnerHtml).style.display="block"; } if(action=="sendMessage.php" || action=="chatUser.php" || action=="refreshChat.php") { var objDiv = document.getElementById("divChat"); objDiv.scrollTop = objDiv.scrollHeight; if(action=="sendMessage.php") { document.getElementById("message").focus();//set focus on input text message }
      } if(action=="refreshUsers.php") { var iduser=document.getElementById("sender").value; var elm=document.getElementById("sound_mess");
      if(elm) { if(elm.value=="1") { var snd = new Audio("audio/notify.mp3"); //sound; var data = new FormData(); data.append("iduser", iduser); sendData(data,"stopSound.php",0,"sound"); } } } } } }
      } return; }

      	function OverUser(user,indice) //On Mouse Over the user avatar
      			="<font color=\"blue\"><span><b>"+user+"</b></span></font>";
      	function LeaveUser(user,indice) // On Mouse Leave user avatar 
      		="<font color=\"black\"><span><b>"+user+"</b></span></font>";

      	//Reload the page
      	function goToHome() 
      function sendMessageToKeydown() //Send message with 'return' key { if(event.keyCode==13) { sendMessageTo(); }
      function sendMessageTo() { var from=document.getElementById("sender").value; var to=document.getElementById("reciever").value; document.getElementById("message").value.trim(); if(document.getElementById("message").value!="") { var data = new FormData(); data.append("from", from); data.append("to", to); data.append("message", document.getElementById("message").value); sendData(data,"sendMessage.php",0,"users"); } }

      	function StartChat(from,to)  / Start the chat with other user
      		var data = new FormData();
      		data.append("from", from);
      		data.append("to", to);
      function exitChat() // End chat { startProgress(); sendData(null,"logout.php",0,"disconnect"); }
      function New_User() // Create new user { startProgress(); var data = new FormData(); data.append("iduser", 0); sendData(data,"getUser.php",0,"dlguser"); }

      function transfererImage(iduser) // Upload the picture on server to store it in the database {
      startProgress(); var fichier= document.getElementById("userfileUser").filesΎ]; var formdata = new FormData(); formdata.append("iduser", iduser); formdata.append("userfile", fichier); sendData(formdata,"addAvatar.php",0,"divimaprofile"); }
      function closedlguser() { document.getElementById("dlguser").style.display="none";
      } //-------------------------------------------------- function closediv(ediv){ document.getElementById(ediv).style.display="none"; }
      function elimphotoprofile(id){
      var formdata = new FormData(); formdata.append("id", id); sendData(formdata,"delPhoto.php",0,"divimaprofile");
      function HandleBrowseClickUser() //To load user avatar { var fileinput = document.getElementById("userfileUser");; }
      function HandlechangeUserHandlechangeUser() { var fileinput = document.getElementById("userfileUser"); var textinput = document.getElementById("filenameUser"); textinput.value = fileinput.value; }
      function saveuser(id) // Save user data { if(document.getElementById("email").value=="") { document.getElementById("err").innerHTML='<font color="red">Email required</font>'; return; } if(document.getElementById("nickname").value=="") { document.getElementById("err").innerHTML='<font color="red">Nickname required</font>'; return; } if(document.getElementById("password").value=="") { document.getElementById("err").innerHTML='<font color="red">Password required</font>'; return; } startProgress(); var fdata=new FormData(); fdata.append("email",document.getElementById("email").value); fdata.append("nickname",document.getElementById("nickname").value); fdata.append("password",document.getElementById("password").value); if(!document.getElementById("vidimage")) { fdata.append("idimage",document.getElementById("idimage").value);// Avatar id } else { fdata.append("idimage",document.getElementById("vidimage").value); }
      fdata.append("iduser",id); sendData( fdata,"updUser.php",0,"err");
      //-------------------------------------- function update_user(iduser){ // Show the user dialog startProgress(); var data = new FormData(); data.append("iduser", iduser); sendData(data,"getUser.php",0,"dlguser"); }

      function login()// Connect { var formdata = new FormData(); formdata.append("nickname", document.getElementById("nicknameLogin").value); formdata.append("password", document.getElementById("passwordLogin").value); startProgress(); var xhr; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari, ... xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE 8 and older xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }"POST", "connectTosite.php", true); xhr.send(formdata); xhr.onreadystatechange = display_data; function display_data() { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) { endProgress(); var t=xhr.responseText.trim(); var j="CONNECTED"; if(t==j) { location.reload(); return; } else { document.getElementById("errlogin").innerHTML=xhr.responseText; return; } } } return; } }
      function startProgress()// Show then Progress gif animated {"progress"; document.getElementById("idprogress").style.display="block"; }
      function endProgress(){ // Hide the progress gif animated"auto"; document.getElementById("idprogress").style.display="none"; document.body.scrollTop = 0; document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0; }

      chat.css file

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