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C# Version 6.0

C# Version 6.0

Released July, 2015

Version 6.0, released with Visual Studio 2015, released many smaller features that made C# programming more productive. Here are some of them:

 Static imports
 Exception filters
 Auto-property initializers
 Expression bodied members
 Null propagator
 String interpolation
 nameof operator
Other new features include:

 Index initializers
 Await in catch/finally blocks
 Default values for getter-only properties
Each of these features is interesting in its own right. But if you look at them altogether, you see an interesting pattern. In this version, C# started to eliminate language boilerplate to make code more terse and readable. So for fans of clean, simple code, this language version was a huge win.

They did one other thing along with this version, though it's not a traditional language feature in itself. They released Roslyn the compiler as a service. The C# compiler is now written in C#, and you can use the compiler as part of your programming efforts.
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