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In 2023, Cloud Computing will increasingly play a leading role

February 1, 2023

In 2023, Cloud Computing will increasingly play a leading role
Multicloud will become increasingly important as more services move from on-premises to the cloud. According to research firm Gartner, on-premises versus cloud spending is projected to reverse by 2025. While this continued migration to the cloud is not surprising, cloud adoption will continue to accelerate in 2023, due to supply chain issues that require buyers to look beyond on-premises hardware to solve sourcing issues and pursue ambitious sustainability goals. The rapid adoption of multiple clouds is even more interesting: 89% of companies, in fact, use multiple clouds to manage IT services, operations and infrastructures, a trend dictated by the need to promote innovation and guarantee security, scalability and flexibility to the outside your data center.
In 2023, Cloud Computing will increasingly play a leading role
In this context, due to the ever-increasing number of companies adopting the cloud, the skill gap problem will go from a fierce competition between employers to retain the best talent, a trend already emerged in 2022, to address a situation where niche skills will be required to be successful. It's hard to find people who can work proficiently in just one cloud. Building teams capable of managing multiple clouds becomes a major challenge and can require long periods of training and companies need just this.
In 2023, Cloud Computing will increasingly play a leading role
In parallel, sustainability will also become increasingly important to IT buyers who will need more information to support the claims they receive from suppliers. The latter will have to demonstrate that they are working to achieve greater sustainability and that their products have characteristics that can guarantee their sustainability. They will also need to put more effort into increasing the energy efficiency of their on-premise facilities and equipment, and provide better methods for data categorization that allow buyers to look at the entire information asset and to break down the captured data into tiers, which turns out to be particularly effective in the cloud. When we consider that 68% of data is used only once, we can understand how moving this unused data to the cloud, where it can be tiered and moved to low-cost storage solutions, is good for the planet.
Today's health, economic and war challenges make cyber resilience more crucial than ever. Companies and organizations will rely more than ever on IT resources to ensure complete protection of their data and their rapid recovery. The question is no longer whether they will suffer an attack but rather when and how often, a problem that afflicts a considerable number of small and medium-sized businesses that are not yet prepared. In the past, a company's cyber defense strategy focused on anticipating the attack, but today it's more about reacting quickly to an attack and recovering quickly from it. Detection, protection and recovery will be the cybersecurity watchwords in 2023.
In 2023, Cloud Computing will increasingly play a leading role
Finally, hybrid quantum computing, which will begin to move from conception to practical application, with inevitable repercussions on the aspect of cybersecurity. Companies will therefore have to think about data encryption much more than in the past to counter cybercriminals who are increasingly specialized and numerous. In fact, it has emerged, even if it is not an imminent risk, that quantum can also pose a threat to the encryption of sensitive data. For example: imagine designing and building a fighter jet, which can take more than a decade; then the aircraft remains in service for 20 years and all data associated with the aircraft and its missions remain confidential for another 20 years. That data must be protected for over 50 years. For criminals it is enough to steal this data even once and then wait for the Quantum power necessary to decrypt it to be reached. For these reasons, it is important to think not only about how to protect your data, but also about the most advanced encryption and decryption techniques. Normal computers, even the most powerful ones, would take decades to crack these encryption algorithms while the quantum hybrid will be able to crack existing encryption protocols in less than a decade.

Companies are paying increasing attention to cybersecurity and thanks to the cloud-based approach, they are able to solve security problems that once seemed unsolvable.
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