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How to install Linux on an old PC

How to install Linux on an old PC
If you have a slow PC that is unable to support the latest Windows operating systems, the ideal way to use it again is to install Linux.
The result is a system that will almost always be faster, free from any malware or virus infections, and that offers all the performance of a Windows system.
There are several Linux-based operating systems – the choice is of course yours.
Having solved this, let's move on to the practical process:
a Linux system requires at least 2GB of space.


Step 1:

Download Linux OS from Mint  or Ubuntu or any other site that offers download
How to install Linux on an old PC


Step 2:

Create a bootable USB drive, this option is easy and fast, we use balena etcher 
How to install Linux on an old PC

How to install Linux on an old PC


Step 3:

Boot from the flash drive Enter in the bios to boot PC from USB drive.
How to install Linux on an old PC

How to install Linux on an old PC


Step 4:

Double-click to install Linux icon on the desktop.
How to install Linux on an old PC


Step 5:

Make the required selections related to language, third party software installation, etc. Then choose your operating system installation preference: next to your existing operating system or erase and install.

The installation may take some time, especially if the computer is quite old.
Once finished, enjoy your open source operating system.

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