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3D shape, 3D Curve and 3D Ball in VB .Net using GDI+

3D shape, 3D Curve and 3D Ball in VB .Net using GDI+

The most basic form of graphics programming in Visual Basic.Net utilizes a collection of classes known as GDI+.
GDI+ stands for Graphics Device Interface Plus and the reason for the plus suffix is because prior to GDI+
there was GDI so it is there to be shown as an improvement over its predecessor.

The GDI+ classes reside in the System.Drawing namespace and some classes are:
 - System.Drawing.Bitmap
 - System.Drawing.Graphics
 - System.Drawing.Icon
 - System.Drawing.Image
Once you have a canvas to draw on, you need to have some kind of object to start the drawing; the
System.Drawing.Graphics class is what takes care of the drawing operations in
Visual Basic.Net. There are three different methods to use the Graphics class, one method accesses
a Graphics object that already exist while the other two methods actually create a Graphics object.
In order to access a Graphics object that already exists, you must utilize the PaintEventArgs in a
control’s Paint event. This is the parameter e in the event declaration:

Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PaintEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Paint
    Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics
End Sub	

Or get that of PictureBox1 control like the following code:
  Dim g As System.Drawing.Graphics
  g = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics

Open Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 community or with licenze and select a New Project on the File menu.
Select Visual Basic, Windows Form Application then click OK, insert the first form Form1,
from the toolbar insert three buttons Button1, Button2 and Button3
add an other control PictureBox1 for the drawing

In this project you need to declare the following variables

    Dim g As System.Drawing.Graphics 
    Dim pen1 As New System.Drawing.Pen(Color.Blue, 0.5) ' the pen with a specific color 
    Const PI = 3.14159 
    Dim flag, col, r, h, hl, n, n1 As Short
    Dim x, y, z, cx, cy, cz, thx, thy, thz As Single
    Dim point1, point2, point3, point4, point5 As System.Drawing.Point

Double click on the Button1 and add the following code
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim th As Single Static ax(9), ay(9), az(9) Static bx(9), by(9), bz(9) h = 160 : thy = 0.2 col = 0 : n1 = 1 r = 100 n = 8 thx = 0.2 PictureBox1.Refresh() ax(0) = h : ay(0) = h : az(0) = h n1 = 1 For th = 0 To 2 * PI + 0.1 Step 2 * PI / n x = r * Math.Cos(th) : y = -h : z = r * Math.Sin(th) Call dzorotationX() : Call dzorotationX() bx(n1) = x : by(n1) = y : bz(n1) = z n1 = n1 + 1 Next th For n1 = 1 To n x = ax(n1) : y = ay(n1) Call dzodrawline() x = ax(n1 + 1) : y = ay(n1 + 1) Call dzodrawline() x = bx(n1 + 1) : y = by(n1 + 1) Call dzodrawline() x = bx(n1) : y = by(n1) Call dzodrawline() Next n1 End Sub

And here is the result after execution

3D shape, 3D Curve and 3D Ball in VB .Net using GDI+

Double click on the Button2 and add the following code
 Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
        g = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics
        Dim x, y, s, cx, cy, zz, xx, yy As Single
        Dim h, a, b, sx, sx1, sx2, sy, sy1, sy2 As Integer
        Dim x1, x2, y1, y2, xw, yw As Integer
        s = pi / 16
        x1 = -3
        x2 = 3
        xw = x2 - x1
        y1 = -9 : y2 = 9 : yw = y2 - y1
        sx1 = 140 : sx2 = 600
        sy1 = 360 : sy2 = 100
        cx = (sx2 - sx1) / xw
        cy = (sy1 - sy2) / yw
        h = 170 : a = 6 : b = 6
        For y = y1 + 6 To y2 - 6 Step 1 / cy
            For x = x1 To x2 Step 1 / cx * 2
                zz = h * Math.Exp(-x * x / a * a - y * y / b * b)
                xx = x * cx + sx1 + 160
                yy = sy1 - y * cy
                sx = Int(xx + y * cy * Math.Cos(s))
                sy = yy - zz
                sy = sy - 100
                If x = -3 Then
                    point1.X = sx - 60 : point1.Y = sy - 20
                Else : point2.X = sx - 60 : point2.Y = sy - 20
                    g.DrawLine(pen1, point1, point2)
                    point1 = point2
                End If
            Next x
        Next y
    End Sub

And here is the result after execution
3D shape, 3D Curve and 3D Ball in VB .Net using GDI+

Double click on the Button3 and add the following code
Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
        g = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics
        Dim i, r As Integer
        Dim x, y, z, s, q, p, px, py As Single
        Dim mx(600), my(600) As Integer
        s = pi / 4
        r = 100
        i = 1
        q = -pi / 2 + 0.1
        For p = 0 To 2 * pi Step 0.2
            x = r * Math.Cos(q) * Math.Sin(p)
            y = r * Math.Sin(q)
            z = r * Math.Cos(q) * Math.Cos(p)
            px = x * 1.2
            py = y - z * Math.Sin(s)
            mx(i) = px + 200
            my(i) = 150 - py
            i = i + 1
        Next p
        point1.X = mx(1) : point1.Y = my(1)
        For q = -pi / 2 + 0.2 To pi / 2 Step 0.2
            i = 1
            For p = 0 To 2 * pi Step 0.2
                x = r * Math.Cos(q) * Math.Sin(p)
                y = r * Math.Sin(q)
                z = r * Math.Cos(q) * Math.Cos(p)
                px = x * 1.2
                py = y - z * Math.Sin(s)

point2.X = px + 200 : point2.Y = 150 - py g.DrawLine(pen1, point1, point2)
point1 = point2
point3.X = mx(i) : point3.Y = my(i) point4.X = px + 200 : point4.Y = 150 - py g.DrawLine(pen1, point3, point4) point3 = point4 mx(i) = px + 200 my(i) = 150 - py i = i + 1 Next p p = 0 x = r * Math.Cos(q) * Math.Sin(p) y = r * Math.Sin(q) z = r * Math.Cos(q) * Math.Cos(p) px = x * 1.2 py = y - z * Math.Sin(s)
point5.X = px + 200 : point5.Y = 150 - py g.DrawLine(pen1, point4, point5) point4 = point5 Next q End Sub

And here is the result after execution
3D shape, 3D Curve and 3D Ball in VB .Net using GDI+

Finally you will have the following code inside our class Form1
Public Class Form1
    Dim g As System.Drawing.Graphics
    Dim pen1 As New System.Drawing.Pen(Color.Blue, 0.5)
    Const PI = 3.14159
    Dim flag, col, r, h, hl, n, n1 As Short
    Dim x, y, z, cx, cy, cz, thx, thy, thz As Single
    Dim point1, point2, point3, point4, point5 As System.Drawing.Point
    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim th As Single Static ax(9), ay(9), az(9) Static bx(9), by(9), bz(9) h = 160 : thy = 0.2 col = 0 : n1 = 1 r = 100 n = 8 thx = 0.2 PictureBox1.Refresh() ax(0) = h : ay(0) = h : az(0) = h n1 = 1 For th = 0 To 2 * PI + 0.1 Step 2 * PI / n x = r * Math.Cos(th) : y = -h : z = r * Math.Sin(th) Call dzorotationY() : Call dzorotationX() bx(n1) = x : by(n1) = y : bz(n1) = z n1 = n1 + 1 Next th For n1 = 1 To n x = ax(n1) : y = ay(n1) Call dzodrawline() x = ax(n1 + 1) : y = ay(n1 + 1) Call dzodrawline() x = bx(n1 + 1) : y = by(n1 + 1) Call dzodrawline() x = bx(n1) : y = by(n1) Call dzodrawline() Next n1 End Sub Public Sub dzodrawline() Dim gx, gy As Single gx = 250 + x gy = 180 + y If flag = 0 Then point1.X = gx : point1.Y = gy flag = 1 point2.X = gx : point2.Y = gy g = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics g.DrawLine(pen1, point1, point2) point1 = point2 End Sub Private Sub dzorotationX() Dim yw, zw As Single yw = y : zw = z y = yw * Math.Cos(thx) - zw * Math.Sin(thx) z = yw * Math.Sin(thx) + zw * Math.Cos(thx) End Sub
Private Sub dzorotationY() Dim zw, xw As Single zw = z : xw = x x = zw * Math.Cos(thy) - xw * Math.Sin(thy) z = zw * Math.Sin(thy) + xw * Math.Cos(thy) End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click PictureBox1.Refresh() g = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics Dim x, y, s, cx, cy, zz, xx, yy As Single Dim h, a, b, sx, sx1, sx2, sy, sy1, sy2 As Integer Dim x1, x2, y1, y2, xw, yw As Integer s = pi / 16 x1 = -3 x2 = 3 xw = x2 - x1 y1 = -9 : y2 = 9 : yw = y2 - y1 sx1 = 140 : sx2 = 600 sy1 = 360 : sy2 = 100 cx = (sx2 - sx1) / xw cy = (sy1 - sy2) / yw h = 170 : a = 6 : b = 6 For y = y1 + 6 To y2 - 6 Step 1 / cy For x = x1 To x2 Step 1 / cx * 2 zz = h * Math.Exp(-x * x / a * a - y * y / b * b) xx = x * cx + sx1 + 160 yy = sy1 - y * cy sx = Int(xx + y * cy * Math.Cos(s)) sy = yy - zz sy = sy - 100 If x = -3 Then point1.X = sx - 60 : point1.Y = sy - 20 Else : point2.X = sx - 60 : point2.Y = sy - 20 g.DrawLine(pen1, point1, point2) point1 = point2 End If Next x Next y End Sub
Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click PictureBox1.Refresh() g = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics Dim i, r As Integer Dim x, y, z, s, q, p, px, py As Single Dim mx(600), my(600) As Integer s = pi / 4 r = 100 i = 1 q = -pi / 2 + 0.1 For p = 0 To 2 * pi Step 0.2 x = r * Math.Cos(q) * Math.Sin(p) y = r * Math.Sin(q) z = r * Math.Cos(q) * Math.Cos(p) px = x * 1.2 py = y - z * Math.Sin(s) mx(i) = px + 200 my(i) = 150 - py i = i + 1 Next p point1.X = mx(1) : point1.Y = my(1) For q = -pi / 2 + 0.2 To pi / 2 Step 0.2 i = 1 For p = 0 To 2 * pi Step 0.2 x = r * Math.Cos(q) * Math.Sin(p) y = r * Math.Sin(q) z = r * Math.Cos(q) * Math.Cos(p) px = x * 1.2 py = y - z * Math.Sin(s)
point2.X = px + 200 : point2.Y = 150 - py g.DrawLine(pen1, point1, point2)
point1 = point2
point3.X = mx(i) : point3.Y = my(i) point4.X = px + 200 : point4.Y = 150 - py g.DrawLine(pen1, point3, point4) point3 = point4 mx(i) = px + 200 my(i) = 150 - py i = i + 1 Next p p = 0 x = r * Math.Cos(q) * Math.Sin(p) y = r * Math.Sin(q) z = r * Math.Cos(q) * Math.Cos(p) px = x * 1.2 py = y - z * Math.Sin(s)
point5.X = px + 200 : point5.Y = 150 - py g.DrawLine(pen1, point4, point5) point4 = point5 Next q End Sub End Class



Hopefully you learned how to draw in Visual Basic.Net using GDI+. As you can tell, drawing is fairly
simple but can have its pitfalls such as not utilizing the Using statements when declaring the various objects.
you could download the whole project from here

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